KRL/LNAL 340320 - 340325


This series of 12 axle depressed center flat cars are owned by Kasgro.




Light Weight

260,000 lbs.

Load Limit

685,000 lbs.

Number of axles (38" wheels)


Load Platform Length


Load Platform Height


Car Length


Maximum Horixontal Load Shifting ability


Maximum Vertical Load Shifting ability




The following photos were taken by David Saunders. They are used with his permission. David works for Pauwels.

"The load is a converter transformer built for Manitoba Hydro with a shipping weight of 468,000 pounds. This is one of the heaviest transformers we've ever shipped."

The following photos were sent to me by Richard Boyce. They are used here with Richard's permission. The photos were taken at the port of Houston.

dscn2540m.jpg dscn2541m.jpg dscn2542m.jpg

The following two photo wastaken by Ghislain Gerard. They are used with his permission. This shot was found on Ghislain's Florida Big Bend Railroading website.

The following photos were taken by Doug Johnson in St. Paul, MN, on November 22, 2001. I found them on Doug's Website. These are used with Doug's permission.

Dan Brewer sent these photos. "I have some pictures of this flat car with a steam turbine on it. It was for a new peaking power plant in Defiance Ohio. The two turbines came in on smaller cars but were transfered to this one to make it safe to cross the bridge over the Maumee river. The turbines and the generators came in on the CSX then interchanged with the Maumee & Western which runs next to the power plant."

The following pictures were sent to my by Koji Tsujino from Tokyo, Japan. Tsujino-san took these photos at Tehachapi station in May, 2001. These photos show LNAL340322 with the 3rd of 4 turbines for La Paloma at McKittrick, and are used with his permission.





Equipment Diagrams:

The following diagram was found on the Kasgro web page.

Related Patents:


Commercial Models:
