Moving the UP 4023

Union Pacific Railroad contracted Scribner & Sons to move the UP4023 and the UP6900, a 4-8-8-4 "Big-Boy" Steam locomotive, and the EMD DD40X diesel locomotive from their then current location behind Union Station to a new home south of downtown Omaha at the new Kennefick Park. Paul Rome sent the following photos.

Big Boy 4023 is Getting Ready to Move to it's New Home in Omaha

Photos by John Bush and Mike Connor

The following was originally posted on the UPHS website, and are used here with permission of John Bush and the UPHS. 

100 ton capacity crane in place to position beams alongside loco for placement on road axles.

4023's tender raised as preparations continue for placement of road wheel assemblies beneath beams.

4023 raised approx. 24" by simultaneous-pressure hydraulic jacks, operated in unison from power "manifold."

When raised further, front truck will be rolled forward, moved separately with tender truck.

Engine raised in preparation for installation of road wheel

Pilot truck removed. Both engine and tender pilot trucks now off-site

First two rows of three sets each will provide power movement. Rear wheels of each set are driven by two electric motors.

Loco has moved out of fenced area, heading to cross UPRR & BNSF main lines

Overall view of tender waiting to move and the 4023 approaching the dual UPRR main and BNSF main

4023 moving toward tracks

Tender follows pulled by a truck

4023 moves over UPRR main, but has a problem with the BNSF

A broken axle on the third bogey, as the 4023 sits on the BNSF main!

OOps! Stay tuned for more photos as the BNSF main is closed

More Photos of the 4023 Move in Omaha

March 12 and 13, 2005

Photos by John Bush and Mike Connor

Mr Davidson and Mr Kennefick watch the move.

Turning a corner

Wires and Traffic Signals Moved out of the way

Tender moves behind

Another Corner

Arrival at the Park access road

Starting up the hill

assisted by dozers

Push from the rear

View from the top

View from the Freeway as completed