KRL 3601
Formerly WECX 801
This thirty six axle schnabel car is now owned by Kasgro, It was built in 2012, it is a very close twin to the
CEBX 800, also owned by Westinghouse.
This new car has a 256 thousand pound capacity greater than the CEBX 800.
Light Weight
799,200 lbs.
Load Limit
2,035,800 lbs.
Number of axles (38" wheels)
Empty Car Length
Maximum Loaded Length
Maximum Vertical Load Shifting ability
Maximum Horizontal Load Shifting ability (either side of car center line)
On June 13, 2014, while traveling empty the arms came of the car just north of Charlotte.
The following photos were taken by Kenneth Lehman on August 24, 2012 at Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA, and are used with his permission.
The following photos were taken by Vince Skibo on August 16, 2012, and are used with his permission. The cars were parked on the Kasgro yard lead.
Eric Filo sent this photo that shows one half of the CEBX 800 car infont of the 801 car. The two cars look identical. The photo was taken on June 13, 2012, in New Castle, PA.
The following photos were taken by Vince Skibo on June 12, 2012, in New Castle, PA.
Also displayed with the new car, CSXT 3029 is a brand new General Electric ES44AH (Evolution Series - 4400 HP - AC Traction Motors - High Adheasion Trucks). CSX brought it down from GE's Essembly Plant at Erie, PA especially to be displayed with the WECX 801.
The locomotive's prime mover was manufactured at GE's Grove City, PA plant.
Videos of the car in action:
Shows the car at Kasgro where it was constructed. Video is from WYTV.
Photos and articles in print:
Equipment Diagrams:
Commercial Models:
An HO scale model is available from Concept Models. This is an unpainted resin model. Will just need to make some decals.