August 1963 Ties

Table of Contents


Southern Railway is more than ever before "open for busines" along the CNO&TP.

Open for all kinds of business, no matter how high, no matter how wide. If a shipment can move by rail, Southern can move it on the CNO&TP. The low, narrow clearances are gone now that formerly squeezed much traffic off this moprtant railraod. Southern has broken all traffic bottlenecks between Cininnati, Ohio, and Chattanooga, Tenn.

The whole railraod is wide open as the Grassy Gap Road cut shown on this month's cover. And heavy tonnage trains like the one on this cover are moving on faster, more dependable schedules . . . with bigger, cost saving equipment.

That means more business for Southern, and more jobs for railroaders.

For the impressive results of the $32 million spent on the CNO&TP see the story.